Understanding Human Design Single and Split Definitions

Human Design Definitions

We have already explored Type, Strategy, Inner Authority, and Profile. Now, we'll dive deep into the nuances of Single and Split Definitions, uncovering the unique qualities of each type. Definition influences everything from your relationships to your personal growth, offering insights into your innate tendencies and conditioning process.

When we look at the picture above, imagine that the islands represent your centers and the paths are your channels. Some islands are connected, while others are not, determining how the life force flows—or doesn't—among the different islands.

Join me as I help you decode the complexities of Human Design Definitions, offering insights that can transform your understanding of yourself and your interactions with others.

What is the Human Design Definition?

In Human Design, a "Definition" refers to how channels connect the centers in your BodyGraph chart. It reveals the way your energy flows within you and influences how you process information and interact with the world and other people. It also shows how one's Not-Self takes conditioning. Remember, you can bypass conditioning effectively by following your Strategy and Authority.

There are several types of Definitions in Human Design:

Image from Jovian Archive

  1. No Definition: A Reflector has no centers defined (about 1% of the population).

  2. Single Definition: All defined centers are connected, indicating a strong sense of independence and self-reliance.

  3. Split Definition: There are two separate areas of defined centers, suggesting a need for connection with others to bridge the gap.

  4. Triple-Split Definition: Having three distinct areas of defined centers, it enjoys interacting with various people to experience different ways of filling the gaps in its definition.

  5. Quadruple-Split Definition: Four separate areas of defined centers, indicating a need for diverse interactions to integrate all aspects of oneself (about 1% of the population).

Understanding Single Definition

Human Design- Single Definition

The Single Definition in Human Design signifies a unique configuration where all defined centers are interconnected, forming a single unified circuit. This seamless connection allows for an unobstructed flow of energy throughout the individual's BodyGraph, promoting a strong sense of self-sufficiency and independency. Individuals with this configuration are known for their ability to process information swiftly and don't need others to help integrate it.

This inherent autonomy can lead to a profound sense of self-assuredness and self-reliance. Their internal coherence ensures that all parts of their identity and consciousness align, fostering a powerful inner unity.

Split Definitions

When your design features a split, it indicates that there is a missing gate or channel between two, three, or four areas of Definition. The qualities and characteristics of the "missing" gate or channel that could bridge this split become a significant motivating factor in your life. You may find yourself seeking out these qualities as if they represent something incomplete or flawed within you, feeling a need to complete or repair this part of your being. So, Definitions become essential for understanding your inherent nature and tendencies. It might take time to integrate information, sometimes needing to read something several times. The Not-Self might think that there is something wrong or that one is not smart enough, but this has to do with needing to bridge those gaps for information to flow through all the distinct defined areas.

Here is a good example. My oldest son is a Triple-Split. During his school years, he never really studied and was a 4.0 student. His first year in college coincided with the pandemic, and he had to attend classes online. His grades started to decline, and he began to feel that he wasn't smart enough, even though he was on a full-ride scholarship due to his academic achievements. That's what the Not-Self does—it's illogical. We then realized that attending class online by himself, with no people's aura around, was detrimental to him. His "gaps" weren't being filled, and the information wasn't integrating as it did when he was surrounded by people. This proved to be correct, as his grades improved once classes resumed in person.

You can see how this knowledge is helpful. Understanding one's mechanical process brings awareness, and with awareness, less suffering.

When faced with significant decisions, those with a split may find it beneficial to go to public spaces such as parks or coffee shops. Here, surrounded by diverse auras without the need for direct interaction, they may encounter individuals whose energetic presence bridges the gaps in their design. This exposure can help unite the different islands of their Definition, aiding in making informed and aligned decisions.

Different types of Split Definitions

Simple-Split Definition

Human Design - Simple Split

A Simple Split occurs when only one gate is missing to connect two groups of defined centers. When something feels off, individuals with a Simple Split often blame themselves when operating from the Not-Self. The central Not-Self conditioning is the bridging gate (missing gate) followed by the undefined centers.

In the picture above, the bridging gates are: 62, 23, or an entire channel 11/56.

Wide-Split Definition

Human Design - Wide Split

In a Wide Split, a significant gap exists between two defined areas, often requiring more than one channel to bridge. When things go awry, individuals operating from the Not-Self may be inclined to attribute blame to others: " It's the other person's problem." Blaming others might bring a victimhood complex that is not real.

Triple-Split Definition

Human Design- Triple Split

Triple-Splits have three separate groups of defined centers, adding complexity to their internal dialogue. These individuals benefit from diverse social interactions to feel balanced and integrated. They don't necessarily want all their gaps filled by one person and might feel constrained if that happens. Instead, they prefer to be around a variety of people to have their gaps filled by different energies. The main Not-self-conditioning aspects are first the undefined centers and then the bridging gates and channels.

Quadruple-Split Definition

Human Design-Quadruple Split

Maia Mechanics - licensed to Ana McCardell

The rarest, Quadruple-Split, has four distinct groups of defined centers. They might seem slower in their development due to their difficulty being flexible. As with Simple Splits, the main Not-Self conditioning aspects are the bridging gates followed by the undefined centers.

Each type of Split Definition presents unique challenges and opportunities for growth. Those with splits need more time to make decisions, and their main obstacles are their lack of patience and impulsivity. They need more time to consult with their strategy and authority and to digest information due to the separate "islands" of Definition.

How to Navigate Relationships Based on Your Definition

Navigating relationships based on your Definition can significantly enhance interpersonal dynamics, whether you are a Single or Split Definition individual. Each type has its own unique approach to forming and maintaining relationships.

Those with Simple Splits achieve a sense of wholeness by understanding the wisdom of their bridging gate and guiding Single Definitions on how to relate with them.

For Wide Splits, it's essential to clearly communicate their needs to their partners for a fulfilling relationship.

One important role for people with splits in their design is to teach those without splits how to relate effectively.


Through the exploration of Human Design Definitions, we've unraveled another layer of the intricate dynamics that shape our interactions and self-awareness. These insights illuminate the intrinsic blueprint of our energetic presence and how we process information, relate with others, and navigate the manifold challenges and opportunities life presents. Reflecting on these insights, we can embrace our design, offering a pathway to deeper self-awareness and harmony, encouraging us to honor our complexities and seek connections that enrich our lives. As we continue to navigate our journeys, let the knowledge of our Human Design serve as a guiding light, enabling us to live with greater intention, authenticity, and fulfillment. Whether embracing the independence of a Single Definition or the interconnectedness required by a Split Definition, each path offers unique lessons and opportunities for personal evolution.


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