Unveiling The Role Of Human Design in Consciousness Evolution

Today, we embark on an exploration of your vehicle, its driver, and the unique role you play. We'll start with the vehicle, a concept that's easy to grasp. Many intuitively sense that we are more than just our physical bodies—we are souls, spirits, or higher beings using a body for expression. This idea is central to Human Design, where your true self navigates life through the intricate machinery of your body. Buckle up as we delve into the fascinating dynamics of your inner and outer worlds.

In Ageless Wisdom, it's said that men's nature works in a triple manner. The Spirit/ Monad, the Form, and the interplay between those two create the Soul or Consciousness. The Personality vehicle, or the lower nature of men, comprises the physical/etheric, the emotional/astral, and the Mental (concrete mind). This Personality or lower self is the vehicle of expression of the Soul/Higher Self. The evolution of consciousness involves many ongoing stages, with the primary goal being to bring the lower aspects of ourselves under the guidance of a higher aspect.

This evolution is primarily achieved, at this moment in time, through true discernment, which involves making decisions between polarities or pairs of opposites. Initially, through this discernment process, you create the Causal Body, a protective body for the Soul. Eventually, when the time is right, this Causal Body is dissolved, allowing the beautiful Lotus Flower to open, signifying the Soul's total development and control over the lower levels.

Lotus Flower

To emphasize, making decisions that are correct for oneself is of the utmost importance.

To clarify, when I refer to the "vehicle" in Human Design, I'm talking about a person's threefold lower nature, which includes the physical body (along with its etheric aspect), the emotional, and the mental body. This concept is different from how Ra Uru Hu originally taught it.

Just like a car, your vehicle works in a mechanical way, responding in specific ways to various influences according to its unique programming. Imagine this vehicle was meticulously crafted to fulfill your unique purpose in life. It's designed with precision, and each part and response is tailored to support you on your journey. Understanding this intricate design helps you navigate life more effectively, aligning with your true self and purpose.

Yet, many of us face the challenge of navigating life as if we're missing the vehicle's manual. We're often unsure how to operate it to its full potential, leading to confusion and inefficiencies.

But the truth is, we all receive this "manual" at birth.

Human Manual - Human Design

The Neutrinos

Neutrinos- Human Design

At birth, subatomic particles called neutrinos imprint the body with precise information on how it should operate. Neutrinos are subatomic particles that carry mass and play a critical role in Human Design.

The Sun is the primary source of these neutrinos. They are about one millionth of the mass of one proton and can pass through any atomic barrier without resistance. Countless neutrinos pass through the Earth all the time.

John Conway, a professor of physics at the University of California, Davis, describes neutrinos as "ghost particles" due to their weak interactions with other matter. This characteristic allows them to travel through solid objects like lead as easily as humans move through air. Dan Hooper, a Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory scientist, highlights the sheer number of neutrinos passing through us, with about a billion from the Sun streaming through our hand every second.

Your vehicle comes with an embedded manual, so to speak. At the moment of birth, neutrinos imprint precise information into your being, guiding how your vehicle operates.

This is where Human Design comes in. It gives decoding instructions so we can understand how our vehicle works mechanically, much like a car or how other machines operate.

Your vehicle has its own driver, which is pretty fancy, right? Here's the surprising part: the driver isn't your mind or that constant voice in your head. The driver is known as the magnetic monopole.

The Magnetic Monopole

Magnetic Monopole

The quest for magnetic monopoles has intrigued scientists for nearly a century, with roots stretching back to the early 20th century when quantum mechanics began challenging classical physics' assumptions. Paul Dirac, a pioneering physicist, first posited the theoretical existence of magnetic monopoles in 1931, suggesting that if they exist, they could explain why all electric charge in the universe is quantized. Despite extensive searches, no conclusive evidence of magnetic monopoles has been found in the observable universe, leaving their existence a profound mystery in the field of physics.

You might be familiar with the show Young Sheldon, which features a brilliant young boy with a passion for science. In his enthusiastic discussions about neutrinos and the magnetic monopole, there's often a humorous touch that never fails to make me smile!

The show, set in the 1980s, reflects the scientific understanding of the time. Neutrinos were known, but their mass wasn't confirmed until later. Magnetic monopoles have been theorized for over a century, with potential measurements emerging in 2023. When Ra Uru Hu received his insights, it was also in the late '80s, long before these scientific advancements were made.

Magnetic monopoles are particles that carry a single magnetic attraction, either a north or a south pole.

In Human Design, our magnetic monopole drives us along the trajectory of our unique fractal or geometric line. These are fancy words to say that it drives us to the correct blueprint that we set up for ourselves before incarnating. So, here we have an innate GPS that has nothing to do with the mind and knows exactly where we need to be all the time!

The magnetic monopole is located in the sternum area known as the G Center, and it has two different functions:

G Center - Human Design

The magnetic monopole is located on the Gate 2 of the G Center

• First, the magnetic monopole joins two aspects of ourselves (the Design and Personality Crystals). Joining them projects the illusion of a world around us.

As a point of curiosity, this brings us to holograms, which are formed when two lasers are focused together. Lasers are created by passing light through crystals! I wonder if we have a similar phenomenon here. Does light pass through our Design and Personality crystalline structure, forming lasers that come together and create a hologram that we experience as a 3-dimensional world? How many of you have heard the concept that the world is holographic?


• Second, the magnetic monopole also works like a navigation system. It knows where you need to go and will guide you along your correct pathway. In a moment, we'll talk about how our mind often takes control of the vehicle and sends it down the wrong path, ignoring our navigation system. But, like any good GPS, when we turn down the wrong street, it quickly recalibrates and sends us down the next best route. In this way, we can still course correct even when we make mistakes.

GPS- Human Design

The idea of a Magnetic Monopoly reminds me of Carlos Castanedas' books and other traditions in which the teacher hits a student between the shoulder blades – directly behind the sternum. In doing so, they would send the student into a different state of consciousness. In Castaneda's terminology, this is the location of the Assemblage Point. It's a point that creates or assembles reality. Pretty cool, right?! This concept seems very similar to the Human Design's magnetic monopole.

Assemblage Point

Now we understand our vehicles and drivers, where does that leave us? Who are we in relation to all of this, and what is our job?

(Drumroll, please! Are you ready?)

We are the Observers, the Soul, the Higher Self, the passengers in the car. We are here to sit in the car and observe the road trip to gain experience.

Image from IHDS

The Observer's role is to be mindful and learn by observing experiences.

Human Design helps you navigate life more effectively by allowing you to relax in your proper role, enabling your vehicle and driver to take you where you're meant to go. It reveals where you're being wrongly conditioned, bringing awareness to your shadow aspects or areas where your Personality needs to be aligned with higher energy. This is achieved by surrendering to your Strategy and Authority and following the correct instructions coming from your form.

So many of us make the mistake of thinking we are something we are not by identifying with the shadow or Not-Self. This lower aspect controls the car and takes it to all the wrong places. How does this happen?

It often stems from identifying too closely with our minds or Mental Body.

Because of this, we end up confused, conflicted, and misled when we follow our thoughts. And … we don't need to. Our form, not our thoughts, has our GPS, which knows where we need to go.

In fact, the mind is the worst tool for making decisions.

In Ageless Wisdom, the lower mind is referred to as the concrete mind, which is primarily concerned with the physical plane and intellectual processes. In contrast, the Soul, also tripartite in nature, possesses a higher mind, or Manas, that is connected to intuition. Our journey involves transitioning from intellectual reasoning to intuitive understanding, with intuition manifesting differently according to your inner authority.

While the mind (the concrete mind) is indeed powerful, it's not designed for decision-making.

The evolution of consciousness unfolds through distinct stages of identification. Initially, consciousness was aligned with the physical body during the Lemurian era. This was followed by an identification with the emotional body in the Atlantean era. Currently, in the Aryan era, consciousness is primarily identified with the mental body, reflecting our present stage of development.

This is another way of saying that our consciousness has become identified with the mind, which is a natural stage in our spiritual evolution. However, our current goal is for consciousness to identify with the Observer or Higher Self and the higher mind. This Higher Self or Soul oversees the personality aspect and, at a certain point, controls the Personality, which includes the mental, emotional, and physical bodies. I'll delve into this topic further in another article, discussing the ancient view of the evolution of consciousness.


The evolution of consciousness in our current era hinges on our ability to make correct decisions that align with our true self. Human Design is a powerful tool in this journey, guiding us to understand and embrace our true nature. By decoding our vehicle's intricate workings and recognizing the magnetic monopole's role as our innate GPS, we can navigate life's complexities with greater ease and precision.

Through the principles of Human Design, we gain insights into our unique blueprint, helping us to identify and overcome the conditioning that leads us astray. This system empowers us to relax into our proper roles, allowing our vehicle and its true driver to guide us toward our intended path. By surrendering to our Strategy and Authority, we align ourselves with the higher energy that governs our existence.

This alignment fosters a deeper connection with our Observer or Higher Self, shifting our identification from the mind to the Soul. As we progress through this journey of self-awareness, we bring our mental, emotional, and physical bodies under the harmonious control of our higher consciousness. This transformation is not just a personal evolution but a collective awakening, paving the way for a more enlightened and fulfilled existence.

In embracing Human Design, we are not merely learning to make better decisions; we are participating in the grander process of the evolution of consciousness. Each step we take in understanding and aligning with our true nature brings us closer to the ultimate goal of spiritual evolution, where the Soul reigns supreme, guiding us with love and wisdom. This journey, while deeply personal, is a testament to the potential within each of us to transcend our limitations and realize our highest purpose.


The Interplay of the Monad, Soul, and Personality in Alice Bailey's Esoteric Teachings


Understanding Human Design Single and Split Definitions