Deeper Insights from Human Design and Alice Bailey


Human Design and Alice Bailey's teachings have profoundly impacted my life, offering insights that have shaped my personal and spiritual journey. Through years of personal experimentation, I've verified the value of these systems firsthand. However, while both offer deep wisdom, their terminology often differs. As we move into an age of synthesis, this article represents my effort to bridge these two systems, connecting their concepts to deepen our understanding. By exploring Human Design and Bailey's esoteric teachings together, I aim to uncover the greater truths they both point toward and how they can complement one another on our shared spiritual journey.

If you've followed my articles, you may have noticed that I like to dive deeply into the subjects I explore. This drive comes from my Human Design, where I carry the gate of depth, gate 48 on line 6 - "A depth and potential talent that is of value to others" and gate 61.1, the gate of mystery on line 1, which is the occult knowledge. Besides, I have line 1 in my profile. Line 1 likes to investigate to make sure the foundation is solid. My line 3, in my profile, which is unconscious to me, will bump into things and find where the foundation is not solid. In this article, I draw upon my personal experiences and insights to explore how these two powerful systems can complement each other and offer a richer perspective on spiritual evolution.

The Magnetic Monopole and the Illusion of Separation

Magnetic Monopoles

In Human Design, Ra explains the Magnetic Monopole, a magnet that only attracts, as a force within every individual that binds the Personality Crystal (our conscious awareness) and the Design Crystal (the intelligence of our form). This force holds us together and creates the experience of individuality, leading to the feeling that we are separate beings, each navigating life with our unique trajectory.

Ra also firmly believed in polarity, viewing life as inherently diverse and composed of opposites. According to him, we live in a world defined by polarity, where everything exists in contrast—light and dark, joy and pain, expansion and contraction, the "this and that." The magnetic monopoly creates the perception that we are distinct from one another, though at a deeper level, in my view, we are all part of the same unified field. This force holds the illusion of separation in place, allowing us to experience life as individuals for growth, learning, and personal evolution.

Alice Bailey and the Role of Polarity

Alice Bailey

Image from Wikipedia

Alice Bailey's esoteric teachings also emphasize the role of polarity, particularly at the level of human consciousness. Like Ra, Bailey acknowledges that polarity—the experience of duality, such as light and dark, good and evil, pleasure and pain—is central to the human experience and how we evolve consciousness. These opposites shape our lives, especially on the physical, emotional, and mental planes.

However, Bailey reveals a higher truth: as we ascend spiritually, the experience of polarity begins to dissolve. The dualities that once felt so real at our levels of consciousness start to fade as we reach the higher spiritual realms. At these levels, there is no longer a sense of separation or opposites—only unity. Here, the soul recognizes itself as part of a larger whole, and the illusion of polarity is replaced with a profound sense of interconnectedness and oneness.

In contrast, Ra's teachings are very practical and focused on how to live as a human, or more precisely, a nine-center being, correctly. He doesn't delve much into what happens beyond the development of the Passenger consciousness or the Observer. Both systems bring valuable pieces to the puzzle of spiritual evolution. When I read Bailey's work, even though her books are full of intricate details, I felt that her teachings pointed more to the bigger picture—offering insight into the broader spiritual path. Her details, I've come to realize, are meant for "those who know." After certain spiritual experiences, I can attest to the profound difference in understanding—Bailey's words truly open up to those with direct knowledge. As I started to have mystical experiences, her books worked as a map showing where I was in the journey, with a deep understanding of the reason for my experience and what to expect next.

If you are interested in exploring Alice Bailey’s book, here is a free audiobook:

The Intersection of Human Design and Esoteric Teachings

When we consider Ra's Magnetic Monopole and Alice Bailey's teachings on polarity, we can see how both concepts guide us through the experience of individuality and polarity while ultimately leading us toward the realization of unity. Both recognized that polarity is central to our experience as human beings, with the Magnetic Monopole creating the illusion of separation. This illusion serves a purpose—it allows us to experience life in polarity and develop our individual identities.

If you ponder deeply, what Ra calls the passenger consciousness or the observer resolves the polarity. If you identify with the passenger consciousness instead of with the personality (i.e., mental, emotional, physical), polarity doesn't matter. You observe it.

Similarly, Bailey's teachings emphasize that polarity is a temporary yet crucial phase of our spiritual evolution. As we ascend to higher levels of consciousness, the dualities that once defined our experience begin to dissolve. In the higher kingdoms, opposites cease to exist, and we experience the oneness that connects all things.

While Human Design offers a practical framework for navigating polarity through Strategy and Authority, Bailey’s work provides a broader spiritual context where we can understand the reason for polarity and its eventual dissolution as we ascend to higher realms of consciousness.

Cosmic Cycles: Pralaya and the Unborn Universe

Another point where the teachings of Djwal Khul, through Alice Bailey, and Human Design align is the concept that this universe is not yet born. In Bailey's teachings, the term Pralaya or "Night of Brahma" refers to a state of cosmic rest or dissolution, where creation pauses and the universe enters a period of quiescence. This isn't simply a pause but a critical phase in the cosmic cycle of creation and destruction—a period where all external activity ceases before the next cycle of manifestation begins, underscoring the profound rhythm of the cosmos.

Djwal Khul and Bailey suggest that the universe is currently in this "Night of Brahma," indicating that the universe is in a state of spiritual dormancy, preparing for the next evolutionary wave. This aligns with Ra Uru Hu's message in Human Design, where he explained that the Big Bang represented the moment of conception and that the universe is still unborn, much like a fetus developing in the womb. This echoes the idea of Pralaya, a period of cosmic dormancy and preparation, waiting for the next cycle of birth and manifestation.

Free Will and the Illusion of Choice

Fixed Design

People love to say that we have free will. Ra, the heretic that he was, said there is no choice—and I agree with him. When you deeply understand all the forces that condition us and the fact that we are limited by our design, the concept of free will becomes questionable. Ponder on this!

This exploration brings us to a profound metaphysical question regarding free will in the different aspects of ourselves: Personality (mental, emotional, physical/etheric bodies), Soul, and Monad (Spirit). If we view these concepts through the lens of unity consciousness, where all beings are part of the One Divine Source, it could be argued that the Soul, Personality, and Monad merely reflect the divine plan, aligning with a greater cosmic purpose. If you are not familiar with these terms, please read this article:

At higher levels of consciousness, such as the Soul or Monad, it seems less about making choices and more about embodying or fulfilling divine purpose. The "choice" to align or not align with what is our true selves, or any choices we make, could be seen as part of the illusion of separation and something experienced at the level of the personality. At the Soul or Monad level, there may be no need for choice—alignment with a greater purpose is intrinsic and inevitable.

This brings us to a key insight shared by both Human Design and Bailey’s teachings: the understanding that we are each "fixed design". In Human Design, Ra emphasizes that we are limited by our design, which shapes how we interact with the world and make decisions. Similarly, Alice Bailey’s statement, "I am the Soul. I am the Light Divine. I am Love. I am Will. I am Fixed Design," echoes this truth. Both systems point to the reality that, while we may feel the illusion of choice, we are ultimately operating within the framework of our fixed energetic design.

This suggests that the freedom we experience at lower levels is a temporary part of our journey. The illusion of choice allows us to individualize and experience life as seemingly separate entities. However, from the vantage point of the soul or Monad, everything naturally unfolds in alignment with the program.

In Bailey's teachings, humanity is currently evolving through the Love-Wisdom aspect of divinity, which encompasses compassion, unity, and interconnectedness. This stage is part of the larger cosmic plan, where the Love-Wisdom ray is being integrated into our collective experience. The Will aspect, associated with power and purpose, is something we will fully develop in later evolutionary cycles. What we currently experience as will is merely a rudimentary form of this energy, which will become a primary focus for growth and development in the cycles to come.

In Bailey's framework, the soul's purpose is to gradually gain control over the personality. For a long time, the soul remains in meditation on its own plane, as the personality is not yet ready to respond. During this period, which can take many lives, the individual feels as though they are making their own choices, but in truth, those decisions are driven by the lunar lords or the forces of the lower planes (lower mental, emotional, and physical/etheric) in which humanity lives. Over time, the personality becomes more sensitive to the soul's influence, and the soul begins the process of controlling the personality.

This process can feel like a battle between light and dark. Our mind interprets this as a decision-making process between good and evil, but we merely observe the outcome of these forces clashing. In this sense, the development of the Passenger consciousness, as Ra describes in Human Design, is about realizing that we are simply observers of this unfolding dynamic, we make no choice.

In this view, the free will we experience is an illusion. Our mind registers the experience as though we are making our own decisions, but in truth, we are not.

This understanding of free will versus divine alignment can provide a deeper perspective on how we experience life and make decisions. It questions whether we are truly making choices or gradually returning to a state of oneness that was always part of our journey.


Practical Implications for Our Lives

So, what does all of this mean for us, practically? Understanding that we live in an illusion of separation allows us to approach life with compassion, less fear, and a more profound sense of purpose. When we realize that the illusion of choice is part of this dynamic, it brings compassion and a cessation of judgment toward others. We begin to see that, just like us, others are conditioned by their design and are navigating through the same forces of polarity and separation. This recognition helps us move beyond the tendency to judge, as we understand that we are all reflections of the one divine source, each playing out our unique roles within the framework of our fixed design and level of unfolding.

Rather than seeing others as separate, we can start to recognize that the challenges, conflicts, and polarities we face are all part of the soul's journey toward integration and unity. By following the Strategy and Authority outlined in Human Design, we align ourselves with the soul's purpose rather than reacting to the illusion of polarity and separation. This alignment helps us move through life with greater clarity and confidence, knowing that we are guided by a force greater than ourselves.

Furthermore, when we look at the polarized state of the world today, we can understand it through this lens. While polarity is intensely present at the physical, emotional, and mental levels of human experience, it is only a stage in spiritual evolution. The ultimate goal is to move beyond polarity into unity and group consciousness. This means that we all uniquely reflect one aspect of totality while working in a group for the benefit of all.


From Illusion to Awareness


Mind and Creation