Mind and Creation

Before diving into the concepts of Human Design, I want to clarify that what I'm writing here is not solely based on Ra's teachings but rather a blend of my own deeper understanding and how his work fits with other esoteric and spiritual frameworks. When it comes to mystical experiences, terminology can be tricky. Ra used the language that made sense to him, but he often applied the same terms in different contexts, sometimes blurring their meanings. His work is terrific and groundbreaking, but as a 1st line being, I am naturally inclined to dig into the foundation and build upon it with my own insights. For direct access to Ra’s teaching, please go to Ra.tv or www.jovianarchive.com

This article reflects my exploration of how the Personality Crystal, mind, and Design Crystal function. I add my input and clarify where I see the need for a more grounded understanding.

In the Human Design system, Ra Uru Hu makes it clear that the mind is not meant for decision-making, which I agree with. This revelation is powerful, especially in a world where we are conditioned to rely on our minds to navigate life. Instead, through its Strategy and Authority, the body holds the accurate intelligence to align us with our highest potential. But what if the mind has a greater purpose beyond what Ra discusses—beyond simply being an observer or an Outer Authority?

The Mind and the Personality Crystal

Ra refers to the Personality Crystal as the Passenger consciousness—the observer that experiences life through the vehicle of the body. Many equate this with the mind because this is the part the mind is conscious of, but a deeper understanding reveals that the Personality Crystal is not the mind itself. Instead, the Personality Crystal is an aspect of the soul that incarnates, serving as a bridge between the Monad (the spark of divine consciousness) and the personality that lives in this world. On the other hand, the mind is a tool that arises during incarnation and acts as a mediator (as the fractal continues)—helping us interact with and interpret the outer world.

The mind is brilliant at gathering information, processing experiences, and functioning as Outer Authority for others. However, when it comes to making decisions, the mind falls short. That responsibility lies in the body's wisdom. However, this doesn't diminish the mind's incredible potential when it operates in alignment with our true essence. When used consciously and correctly, the mind plays a powerful role in creating and manifesting reality in collaboration with the soul.

The Mind as a Tool for Conscious Creation

While the mind is not our decision-maker, it has a profound role in creating reality. Most people unconsciously create their reality based on conditioned thoughts and feelings—often reflecting the personality's desires or external conditioning. But what if we could align the mind and emotions with the soul's purpose rather than the personality's desires?

This is where the principles of white magic come into play—allowing the soul to consciously create the reality it truly desires to produce the evolution of consciousness according to a greater plan, using the mind as a tool for focused intention and emotions to energize and manifest that vision.

In esoteric traditions, the process of creation involves the following steps:

  1. Thought: The mind constructs a clear thought-form, a blueprint for what we wish to manifest.

  2. Emotion: Emotions act as the fuel, vivifying the thought-form with life force energy.

  3. Manifestation: Over time, the thought-form, empowered by strong emotion, precipitates into the material world.

The mind is always involved in the creative process. For most people, it follows the whims of the ego or Not-Self, unconsciously shaping reality. However, when we align with our Strategy and Authority, the mind shifts to work in partnership with the soul. In this state, the mind becomes more than just an observer; it becomes a co-creator, consciously directing energy. As Master Djwal Khul says, "Energy follows thought," highlighting the mind’s true magic.

Living as a Co-Creator

As we evolve into higher states of awareness, it becomes clear that our thoughts and emotions are powerful tools for manifestation. However, to use them effectively, we must first ensure that we are aligned with our inner authority, allowing the body's intelligence to guide us. Once we are aligned, the mind and emotions can work together to create a reality that is not driven by unconscious conditioning but reflects our soul's true desires—Thy will and not my will (the lower self).

Ra says that we have no choice; I would say that we only have the choice to align with our correct self/soul or not. We can surrender to the soul via the body to create reality or use our Not-Self to create our reality.

By understanding that the Personality Crystal is an aspect of the soul and not the mind itself, we open ourselves to a deeper relationship with our mind and emotions. The mind becomes an instrument of conscious creation, while the emotions provide the energy needed to bring those creations into physical form. When we live this way, we transcend reactive living and become conscious co-creators of our reality.


Deeper Insights from Human Design and Alice Bailey


Navigating the Transitional Period of Upheaval: Cultivating Harmony, Emotional Balance, and Thought Clarity