The Constitution of Man: An Exploration of Our True Nature

Constitution of Men

There are many ways to subdivide man, and different traditions may have their own ways of classifying the various vehicles of human existence. All perspectives are correct in their own way. All is one, but different traditions assign different names to each function of the whole.

When I speak of the Ageless Wisdom, I refer to an eternal truth that has existed since the beginning of time. It has taken different forms through various religions and philosophical traditions, adapting to each era's language and understanding. However, as this wisdom cycles through ages of light and darkness, it often becomes distorted. The era we are emerging from has been one of deep materialism, where much of this ancient knowledge has remained hidden or misunderstood. Now, as we transition into a period of greater light, it is time to bring back these teachings and remember who we truly are.

The vastness of this knowledge requires us to use more than just the concrete mind. As we progress on this path, we develop intuitive faculties and higher forms of cognition that allow us to grasp the deeper aspects of reality. Let us begin by exploring our constitution from the lower aspects upward, ascending toward our true spiritual nature.

The Lower Constitution: The Personality

Many still believe that we are solely our physical bodies and that nothing remains after death. But is this the case? By delving into our constitution, we can see that we are far more than our material form. Below is a simplified framework of our being, which I will explore in greater depth in future writings.

The Physical Body

The physical body is the most tangible part of our being, but from an esoteric perspective, it is not a principle in itself. It serves merely as a dense covering for our true vehicle in the physical world: the etheric body.

The Etheric Body

The etheric body, sometimes called the vital body, is a template for the physical form. It is the vehicle of prana, the life force energy that sustains and animates us. Without the etheric body, the physical body could not function.

The Astral Body

The astral or emotional body is the seat of our emotions and desires. Just as there is a physical plane, there are also the etheric, astral, mental, and monadic/spiritual planes, each corresponding to different levels of being. Each plane, including the astral, consists of seven sub-levels. Many who experience the higher regions of the astral plane mistakenly perceive them as Heaven. However, the astral body is also a source of significant distortion and glamour, making it one of the most challenging aspects to master.

The Mental Body

For simplicity, we can divide the mental body into two parts:

  • The Lower Mental Body (Concrete Mind): This is the rational mind responsible for everyday thoughts, analysis, and logic.

  • The Higher Mental Body (Abstract Mind): This is the bridge to higher consciousness, serving as the Soul's vehicle.

Together, the physical/etheric body, the astral body, and the lower mental body form what is known as Personality. Most people today identify with one of these three aspects, believing themselves to be their body, emotions, or thoughts. However, Personality is not the whole of our being—it is simply the vehicle through which we experience and interact with the material world.

The Soul: The Bridge Between Spirit and Matter

When Spirit and Matter come together, the result is the Soul—the consciousness aspect that qualifies experience and gives it meaning. The Soul resides on the mental plane, specifically in the higher mental levels. Its higher expression is Higher Manas, which in its most refined state merges with Buddhi, or Intuition. It is through the Soul that we begin to transcend the limitations of Personality and connect with higher realities.

The Soul serves as the mediator between the Monad (our divine spark) and the lower aspects of our being. Through the Soul, we cultivate wisdom, love, and the qualities that lead us toward spiritual evolution.

The Monad: Our Divine Source

Beyond the Soul lies the true essence of our being: the Monad. The Monad is our divine spark, the purest expression of Spirit within us. However, to function within creation, the Monad requires a vehicle—the Spiritual Triad, which consists of:

  • Atma (Spiritual Will): The highest aspect of the Triad, embodying divine will and purpose.

  • Buddhi (Intuition or Pure Love-Wisdom): The faculty of direct knowledge beyond rational thought.

  • Higher Manas (Abstract Mind): The link between the Soul and higher spiritual planes.

The Spiritual Triad is the vehicle of the Monad, just as the Personality is the vehicle of the Soul. As we evolve, we begin shifting our identification from the Personality to the Soul and, eventually, from the Soul to the Monad itself.

Constitution of Man

A Time of Awakening

For centuries, humanity has been immersed in materialism, largely disconnected from the higher aspects of its nature. But now, as we emerge from darkness into an era of greater illumination, it is time to revive the Ageless Wisdom teachings. Understanding our true nature is not just an intellectual pursuit but a call to awaken, remember, and realign with our higher purpose.

The journey back to our divine origins is one of integration and abstraction. We move from identifying with the transient Personality to the eternal Soul and finally to the infinite Monad. By reclaiming this ancient knowledge and applying it in our lives, we can participate in the greater work of planetary and human evolution.

This is only the beginning of our exploration. In future writings, I will delve deeper into each of these aspects, exploring their implications for our spiritual journey. In the meantime, I encourage you to contemplate these ideas, not as dogma but as potential keys to your understanding. The path of discovery is yours to walk!


From Illusion to Awareness