Maintaining the Physical Body: A Holistic Approach to Health

The last article overviewed men's constitutions based on Alice Bailey's esoteric teachings. We explored the concept of human beings as a triplicity of Monad, Soul, and Personality, each aspect playing a unique role in our spiritual and physical existence. The Personality, our lower self, consists of three main components: the physical/etheric, astral/emotional, and mental/concrete mind vehicles. These elements collectively form the vehicle through which the Soul expresses itself in the lower three worlds.

Today, let's delve into the Physical/Etheric body, the foundation of our earthly existence, and explore how to maintain it in optimal health. Just as a car requires proper fuel and maintenance, our physical body, too, needs the correct nourishment and care to function effectively. In this article, we'll discuss the importance of wholesome nutrition, insights from hair analysis, the significance of hydration, the benefits of adequate sleep, the role of exercise and movement, the use of infrared saunas, and the role of bioenergetics in maintaining the physical and etheric bodies.

Eating Foods Closest to the Land

Farm to Table

One of the most effective ways to promote good health is to eat foods as close to their natural state as possible. Embracing the "farm-to-table" concept, which focuses on fresh, whole foods with minimal processing, ensures you benefit from their total nutritional value. Opting for organic options further enhances this approach by avoiding harmful pesticides and synthetic additives.

Avoiding junk food is crucial for maintaining a healthy physical body. Processed foods are often laden with unhealthy fats, sugars, and artificial ingredients, which can contribute to a host of health issues, including obesity, diabetes, and heart disease. Moreover, overeating, even healthy foods, can strain the digestive system and lead to energy imbalances. It is essential to eat mindfully, listening to your body's signals of hunger and satiety.

Hair Analysis: Understanding Individual Nutritional Needs

Hair Analysis

While general dietary guidelines can benefit many, each person's nutritional needs are unique. Hair analysis offers a valuable tool for understanding these individual requirements.

This method involves analyzing a small sample of hair to assess mineral content and detect any imbalances or toxicities in the body.

Hair analysis can provide insights into metabolic rates, adrenal and thyroid function, and the body's stress response. By identifying specific deficiencies or excesses, personalized dietary and supplement recommendations can be made to restore balance and promote overall health. This tailored approach ensures that each person receives the necessary nutrients to thrive.

This approach emphasizes long-term remineralization of the body, acknowledging that even organic foods may lack essential nutrients like zinc and magnesium due to soil depletion.

If you are interested in this approach, check my website for more information:

What does Human Design have to say about food?

In Human Design, "Determination" refers to the specific conditions under which an individual should ideally eat to optimize their health and well-being. This concept is part of the Primary Health System (PHS) within Human Design, which explores how individuals are uniquely designed to thrive under particular eating conditions. By following these personalized dietary guidelines, individuals can support proper cognition and overall health. Conditions can be for someone eating only cold or hot foods, environments of low or high sounds, light or dark conditions, nervous or calm environment.

While this concept may seem unusual to many, I can personally vouch for its significance. I’m generally healthy, but my digestive system has always been problematic. I often felt bloated and suffered from indigestion, regardless of what I ate or avoided. When I discovered this aspect of Human Design, I was experiencing discomfort and thought, why not try it? My Determination is known as Indirect, which means I should only eat after sunset. It sounds crazy, right? Following my inner authority, I found the closest I could manage was to eat in the dark (as I couldn't stick to eating only after sunset without feeling unwell) since my digestion is sensitive to UV light. Amazingly, my digestive issues completely disappeared!

The Importance of Drinking Water


Hydration is a fundamental aspect of maintaining a healthy physical body. Water is essential for nearly every bodily function, from regulating temperature to aiding digestion and detoxification. Dr. Gerald Pollack's research on the fourth phase of water highlights the unique properties of water beyond the traditional solid, liquid, and gas phases. This fourth phase, structured water or EZ (exclusion zone) water, plays a crucial role in cellular function and overall health and acts as a battery, powering the body.

Dr. Masaru Emoto's research further emphasizes the importance of water, suggesting that water molecules can be affected by thoughts, words, and intentions. According to his studies, positive words and intentions can enhance the structure of water, making it more beneficial for the body.

Dr. Emoto’s image

The teachings of Ageless Wisdom, particularly those found in Alice Bailey's works and Theosophical writings, solidify the idea that water is a form of etheric energy in physical form. This notion relates to the understanding that all physical matter, including water, is a manifestation of more subtle energies.

The idea is rooted in the belief that the material world is a dense, tangible expression of higher, subtler energies. In this framework, water is seen not merely as a physical substance but also as an embodiment of etheric energy. This etheric energy is considered a vital force that permeates all living things and is closely associated with life and vitality.

The Ageless Wisdom teachings often emphasize the concept of the etheric body, which is considered the blueprint of the physical body and is composed of etheric matter. The etheric body is believed to be responsible for the distribution of life force, or prana, throughout the body. In this context, water, as a physical element that supports life, can be seen as a physical expression of etheric energies solidifying into a tangible form.

Therefore, maintaining proper hydration is not just about physical health; it also involves nurturing the subtle energies that sustain our overall vitality. By appreciating water's more profound significance and ensuring its purity, we align with the natural flow of life force energy, supporting our physical and energetic well-being.

The Importance of Sleep

Adequate sleep is vital for physical and mental health. During sleep, the body undergoes essential repair, regeneration, and detoxification processes. The brain consolidates memories, and the immune system strengthens. Chronic sleep deprivation can lead to a range of health problems, including impaired cognitive function, weakened immunity, and increased risk of chronic diseases.

To support good sleep hygiene, establish a regular sleep schedule, create a comfortable sleep environment, and avoid stimulants like caffeine before bedtime. Meditation, deep breathing, and gentle stretching can promote relaxation and prepare the body for restful sleep.

Understanding your type in Human Design is crucial for optimizing your sleep patterns and overall well-being. Each type in Human Design has a unique way of interacting with the world, including how they approach rest and sleep. Here's why knowing your type can make a significant difference in your sleep quality:

  1. Generators should aim to go to bed feeling completely exhausted, as this ensures they've used up their energy effectively throughout the day. Manifesting Generators, similarly, should also go to bed feeling fully spent. Additionally, Manifesting Generators benefit from spending some quiet time in bed reflecting or unwinding before falling asleep. This helps them transition smoothly from their active day into restful sleep.

  2. Projectors, Manifestors, and Reflectors benefit from a quiet, calm environment and should go to bed before feeling exhausted.

The Role of Exercise and Movement


Regular exercise and movement are vital for maintaining the health of the Physical/Etheric body. Exercise strengthens muscles, improves cardiovascular health, and supports mental well-being by releasing endorphins, which are natural mood lifters. Engaging in physical activities like walking, swimming, yoga, or dancing helps improve flexibility, balance, and coordination, contributing to overall physical resilience.

Exercise also promotes better circulation, essential for delivering nutrients and oxygen to cells and removing waste products. It enhances lymphatic drainage, supporting the immune system and detoxification processes.

Regular movement helps keep the body agile and prevents stiffness and discomfort, which can accumulate with a sedentary lifestyle.

Incorporating various exercises into your routine can ensure that different muscle groups are worked and the body remains balanced. Even gentle activities like stretching and deep breathing can profoundly affect the body's energy flow and overall well-being.

Infrared Saunas

Infrared saunas offer a unique way to support detoxification and overall well-being. Unlike traditional saunas that heat the air around you, infrared saunas use infrared light to penetrate the skin and warm the body from within. This process helps to increase circulation, promote sweating, and release toxins stored in the body's tissues.

Using an infrared sauna can also help create structured water, as Dr. Pollack describes. The infrared energy helps split water molecules into positive and negative charges, creating a battery effect that energizes and powers the body.

There are two types of infrared saunas: near-infrared and far-infrared. Near-infrared saunas are believed to enhance cellular health and tissue repair, while far-infrared saunas are more effective at promoting deep detoxification and relaxation. Both types of saunas can support cardiovascular health, reduce muscle and joint pain, and improve skin health.

Sauna is part of my Nutritional Balance protocol, and I do it every day for 20 minutes (and I live in Florida!). This is part of the long-term preventive medicine to help the body in the detoxification process.

Bioenergetics and NES Health

Addressing the body's energetic needs, in addition to physical nutrition and care, is vital for overall health. Bioenergetics is the study of energy flow within living systems and how this energy impacts health and well-being.

The body operates as a complex bioenergetic system, with the etheric body serving as an energetic template for the physical body. This energetic blueprint can become distorted due to stress, toxins, or emotional trauma, leading to physical and mental imbalances.

I like to use NES Health scan technology to assess the body's energy field and identify any distortions or blockages. These imbalances can be corrected through targeted bioenergetic remedies and therapies, promoting holistic healing.

The distinction between nutritional aspects and bioenergetics is important. While proper nutrition takes care of the body's chemical and biological aspects, bioenergetics focuses on the body's physics and its connection to the etheric body. Together, they provide a comprehensive approach to maintaining health and well-being.

For more information on NES technology, please check the following:


Maintaining the Physical/Etheric body requires a holistic approach that encompasses proper nutrition, hydration, sleep, exercise, detoxification, and energetic balance. By consuming foods close to their natural state, understanding individual nutritional needs through hair analysis, staying adequately hydrated, getting sufficient sleep, engaging in regular physical activity, utilizing infrared saunas, and addressing bioenergetic imbalances, we can support our physical and etheric bodies in achieving optimal health.

Remember, the physical body is a vehicle for the Soul's expression in the lower worlds. By taking care of this vehicle, we enhance our physical well-being and support our spiritual growth and evolution. Embrace these practices as part of your daily routine, and you will find yourself more vibrant, balanced, and aligned with your true purpose.

As we continue to explore the complexities of our being, we encourage you to take these insights into your daily life. The journey towards health and wholeness is a continuous process of discovery, learning, and growth. Embrace it with an open heart and mind, and may you find joy and fulfillment every step of the way.


Human Design Relationships: How to Analyze and Improve Connections


The Interplay of the Monad, Soul, and Personality in Alice Bailey's Esoteric Teachings