Jesus Human Design?!

Jesus and Human Design

I've come across some religious traditions and esoteric groups that attribute Jesus's birthday to April 6th instead of the traditional December 25th. Curious about this, I decided to run a Human Design chart for Jesus, focusing on the Sun and Earth gates and potential lines, as these remain consistent across every Solar Return. While the rest of the chart may not be accurate without the correct birth year or time, the Sun and Earth gates can still provide some intriguing insights.

I recognize that Jesus was born in a seven-centered body, whereas Human Design is designed for nine-centered beings. However, it may still offer meaningful observations since my focus is solely on the Sun and Earth gates. I used Bethlehem, Israel, as the birthplace.

Without an exact time, determining the correct line is challenging. After experimenting with different birth times, I found that the Personality oscillated between the 2nd and 3rd lines, with the 3rd line appearing if he was born later in the day. I chose to proceed with the 2nd line for this exercise. The Design line oscillated between the 4th and 5th lines. I’ll show both, as both were very interesting.

This analysis isn't meant to be accurate; it's simply an exploration driven by curiosity. However, the results turned out to be quite intriguing, so I thought it was worth sharing.

Personality and Design Gates

Personality Sun Gate 51

Gate 51 is the Gate of Shock. Channel 51/25 is an important channel in the mystical stream of Human Design. This channel is called the Channel of Initiation. Gate 51 is the Mystical Gate of the Spiritual Warrior. In a large context, this channel leads someone out of the tribe and shocks them into the path of initiation that connects them to their Higher Self or Christ within. In the Gnostic tradition, Jesus is seen as the great Initiator and Hierophant, embodying the Great Mysteries. This perspective aligns well with the symbolic role of Gate 51 and the Channel of Initiation. The Gnostics were a diverse group of early religious sects from the first few centuries of the Common Era.

Personality Sun Line

Let’s take a look now at the potential 2nd line Personality:

The 2nd line is known as the Hermit. It represents natural talents projected outward, making them visible to others, even if the person prefers not to be disturbed. The 2nd line waits for the correct call to act. If Jesus had the 2nd line, it suggests that he, too, would have waited for the right call before stepping into action.

The Hermit aspect, the need to be alone is mentioned many times in the Bible:

The Wilderness (Matthew 4:1-11; Mark 1:12-13; Luke 4:1-13): After his baptism, Jesus spent 40 days and nights alone in the wilderness, fasting and facing temptations. This period of isolation was a time of spiritual preparation before he began his public ministry.

Praying in Solitude (Mark 1:35; Luke 5:16; Matthew 14:23): Jesus often withdrew to solitary places to pray. For example, Mark 1:35 says, "Very early in the morning, while it was still dark, Jesus got up, left the house, and went off to a solitary place, where he prayed." Similarly, Luke 5:16 notes, "But Jesus often withdrew to lonely places and prayed."

The Garden of Gethsemane (Matthew 26:36-46; Mark 14:32-42; Luke 22:39-46): Before his arrest, Jesus withdrew to the Garden of Gethsemane, where he prayed alone, expressing his anguish and seeking strength from God. Though accompanied by his disciples, he moved away from them to pray in solitude.

Retreats with Disciples (Mark 6:31-32): At times, Jesus also took his disciples away from the crowds to rest and reflect. For example, Mark 6:31-32 describes how Jesus told them, "Come with me by yourselves to a quiet place and get some rest." They went away by themselves in a boat to a solitary place.

These instances show that Jesus valued and sought out times of solitude, which allowed him to connect deeply with God, prepare for significant events, and find renewal amidst his demanding ministry.

The 2nd line in Gate 51 is called Withdrawal, and Jesus might have experienced both its exaltation and detriment at different times. While typically viewed as a challenge, the detriment is correct for someone in certain contexts. It's important to remember that how the detriment is described often reflects the Not-Self perspective.

Jesus Christ

I want to share a different perspective about Jesus that might be new for many people. Djwal Khul, through Alice A. Bailey, describes Jesus as a 4th-degree initiate who played a pivotal role in humanity's spiritual evolution. According to Bailey's teachings, the 4th initiation, often called the "Crucifixion" or "Renunciation," represents a profound level of spiritual attainment where the initiate fully transcends personal desires and aligns completely with divine will. In this context, Jesus is seen as embodying this level of initiation, symbolizing the ultimate sacrifice and renunciation of the lower self. Moreover, during his life, particularly during his ministry and crucifixion, Jesus was overshadowed by Christ, the spiritual essence and consciousness that represents divine love and wisdom. This overshadowing signifies that Jesus acted as a vehicle for Christ energy, demonstrating the perfect expression of divine love and serving as a model for humanity's potential spiritual evolution.

When Christ overshadowed Jesus, this event marked the anchoring of the Christ energy, or the energy of divine love and wisdom, into the fabric of the Earth in a way that had not been done before. This act created a permanent channel through which this higher consciousness could influence and uplift humanity. It wasn't just a one-time event; it established a new spiritual resonance on Earth that continues to impact humanity's spiritual evolution.

We find a very similar view from the Gnostics. In Gnostic traditions, Jesus and Christ are often seen as distinct but deeply connected entities. The Gnostics believed that Jesus, the human being, was a physical vessel who became overshadowed or infused with the divine Christ, a transcendent, cosmic consciousness or divine being.

According to Gnostic teachings, Christ did not suffer or die on the cross; instead, it was the human Jesus who experienced these events. The Christ, representing a higher spiritual truth, imparted divine knowledge (gnosis) to Jesus, which he then shared with humanity. This knowledge was meant to awaken individuals to their own divine nature and free them from the material world, which Gnostics often viewed as flawed or corrupt.

In this view, Jesus served as a guide or teacher who, through his connection with Christ, provided the path to spiritual enlightenment. The Gnostic perspective thus emphasizes the distinction between the material and spiritual realms, with Jesus representing the physical and the Christ embodying the divine, eternal truth that transcends the physical world.

Just a side note: I was discussing this topic with my husband and reflecting on the various views of who Jesus Christ was. He mentioned a video he had watched that resonated with my own thoughts. In the video, a Christian speaker suggested that one does not necessarily need to believe in Jesus by name to follow the right path. If Jesus embodies the way or love, then adhering to these principles is sufficient. The speaker argued that condemning individuals for not accepting Jesus, as some churches do, contradicts the true essence of what Jesus represents. The principles of Jesus can be found across many traditions, often under different names. This highlights the importance of bridging various terminologies to understand and connect these universal truths.

A significant concern is that many people are losing the ability to understand metaphors and are reading religious texts literally. Carl Jung highlighted this issue, noting that the capacity for symbolic and metaphorical thinking, once prevalent in religious and mythological contexts, has declined in modern times. He argued that as contemporary society becomes more focused on rational and empirical thinking, it increasingly disconnects from the deeper, symbolic meanings that were more accessible in earlier, mythologically oriented cultures.

Let’s continue investigating His potential Personality Earth.

Personality Earth 57.2

Jesus Potential Personality Earth

Gate 57, representing the Earth and acting as the grounding force for Jesus, is known as the Gate of Intuitive Clarity. This gate suggests that Jesus would have been highly intuitive, with the potential for deep insight and proper values through intuition. This intuition would likely have been closely connected to the Christ force, guiding him in his mission. Additionally, the cleansing aspect of this gate is significant, reflecting the need to "cleanse" or the purification of the lower self or to help humanity cleanse its sins, aligning with the spiritual purification central to his teachings. Interesting that the line exaltation says: “Perfect cleansing through inner realization.”

Design Sun 54.4

While I can see a potential for a Fifth line, which I’ll share with you later, I find the Design Sun line particularly intriguing. It’s in Gate 54, the Gate of the Marrying Maiden. This gate represents a drive, an ambition to advance in society, but in this context, it might also signify a profound ambition for spiritual evolution. It serves as a powerful motivation for personal and spiritual growth. It says: “The Alpha and Omega - The Fuel for transformation at its purest level!”

In the Christian Bible, Jesus is described as the Alpha and Omega. This phrase appears in the Book of Revelation, which is traditionally attributed to John the Apostle. Specifically, Revelation 1:8 states:

“I am the Alpha and the Omega,” says the Lord God, “who is, and who was, and who is to come, the Almighty.”

Additionally, Revelation 22:13 also includes this phrase:

“I am the Alpha and the Omega, the First and the Last, the Beginning and the End.”

In these passages, "Alpha and Omega" symbolize Jesus as the beginning and end of all things, representing his divine nature and eternal existence.

I found this so cool!

Someone with a Fourth line is very friendly and networks in order to find the correct opportunities.

Design Earth 53.4

Gate 53

Gate 53 is one of the format gates, providing essential fuel for the entire experiential journey. It represents "the ability to maintain the strength of one’s individuality in complex and often awkward situations." This quality is crucial, as it enables a person to preserve their unique self amidst pressures to conform or blend in with their surroundings.

Let’s now play with the idea that he has a fifth line instead in the Design Sun and Earth. This turned out very interesting as well.

Fifth Line Design Sun - 54.5

Gate 54 line 5

The gate remains the same, but we are now focusing on the qualities of the 5th line, which is exalted in this context. Known as the Heretic, the Fifth line aligns well with Jesus, who was considered a heretic for his departure from the views of the time. This line is often prone to misunderstanding, as it projects a field of potential to save and help others, but if expectations are not met, it can damage one's reputation. This line is also about universalizing, which Jesus did. The line itself describes: “The natural authority and actualizing spirit, that in a position of power, can form genuine and fruitful relationships with the less advantaged.”

Jesus is often depicted as a figure who profoundly helped the less advantaged in various ways, such as healing the sick, caring for the poor, and challenging social norms.

Fifth Line Design Earth - 53.5

This is another intriguing aspect. The line in question is fixed in its detriment position: “An over-assertiveness that, instead of maintaining support amid opposition and isolation, may actually reinforce the opposing forces through its attitude.” This detriment is integral to his purpose and aligns with his journey. Jesus's role as a heretic, challenging established norms and beliefs, indeed intensified the opposition he faced, culminating in his crucifixion. While intended to promote spiritual evolution, his assertiveness ultimately contributed to the forces against him, illustrating a significant aspect of his mission.

Incarnation Cross- The Cross of Penetration

Incarnation Cross

Oh, the symbolism here is incredible! Consider the Cross of Penetration: the crucifixion with nails penetrating his hands and feet and the crown of thorns piercing his head. This vivid imagery powerfully reflects the concept of penetration and sacrifice.

Rudolf Steiner, the founder of Anthroposophy, discussed the profound symbolism of the blood of Jesus in his spiritual teachings. Steiner posited that the blood of Jesus, shed during the crucifixion, symbolically penetrates the Earth, carrying deep spiritual significance. According to Steiner, this act was not merely a physical event but also a powerful spiritual force that infused the Earth with a transformative essence.

In Steiner’s view, the blood of Jesus represents a vital spiritual substance that descended into the Earth, bringing a new form of divine nourishment and transformation. This penetration of the Earth was seen as a crucial moment in human evolution, infusing the planet with the potential for spiritual renewal and higher consciousness. Steiner believed that through this spiritual infusion, humanity could achieve greater spiritual development and connection with the divine.

Thank you for joining me on this fascinating journey of exploring the potential Human Design of Jesus.


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