Human Design Authority Types: Unlocking Your Inner Wisdom

Human Design Inner Authority

In the journey of self-discovery, understanding the Human Design Authority types is a pivotal step toward unlocking one's innate decision-making process. These authority types serve as an internal compass, guiding individuals to make choices that align with their true essence and purpose. By delving into the depths of one's Human Design Inner Authority, whether it's through emotional clarity, a sacral authority's gut feeling, or the intuitive splenic hit, individuals can navigate the complexities of life with greater ease and confidence. This exploration fosters a deeper connection to one's body consciousness and empowers individuals to embrace their unique path to emotional and psychological well-being, furthering their path of consciousness evolution.

This article will illuminate the various Human Design authority types, including Emotional Authority, Sacral Authority, Splenic Authority, Heart Authority (Ego), G (Self Authority),  Environment Authority (No Inner Authority), and Moon (Lunar Cycle), each offering a distinct pathway to harnessing one's decision-making prowess. By understanding how each authority type operates—be it through riding the emotional wave for emotional definition, listening to the powerful gut feeling connected with sacral authorities, or aligning decisions with the lunar cycle for those with a lunar authority—readers will gain invaluable insights into their mechanisms for achieving decision-making clarity and emotional equilibrium. This comprehensive guide aims to equip individuals with the knowledge to leverage their Human Design authority types in cultivating a life of authenticity, purpose, and fulfillment.

In learning to use your Inner Authority, the main obstacle is often your mind, which tries to control decisions by weighing pros and cons. The mind is that constant voice in your head, offering conflicting opinions and creating confusion. Human Design teaches that we have both a conscious and an unconscious aspect, the latter being the intelligence of your form and genetic inheritance. We are the sum of both parts, which is greater than its parts. While the mind only accesses the conscious aspect and makes decisions based on that, the form holds your inner direction, guiding you toward fulfilling your purpose.

The Inner Authority comes from the form side, not from the mind. This is important to remember. When properly used, the mind becomes a wellspring of what we call in Human Design, the Outer Authority, where your unique expression inspires others. However, the mind should never be the decision-maker in our lives. Ponder on this.

Emotional Authority

Emotional Authority in Human Design is characterized by the decision-making process that involves navigating through emotional waves. Approximately 47% of people have this authority, which means their decisions are best made when they have reached a state of emotional clarity, often achieved after experiencing the natural highs and lows of their emotions. There is no truth in the now for this Inner Authority; truth reveals itself over time.


People with Emotional Authority possess a defined Solar Plexus or Emotional Center, making their emotional state a central part of their decision-making process. This Emotional Center operates as a motor and generates energy in a wave-like pattern, fluctuating between highs and lows or pain and pleasure. Recognizing and understanding the nature of these emotional waves is crucial for those with Emotional Authority. They are advised not to make important decisions during emotional peaks or troughs but instead, wait for a neutral emotional state. This waiting period can vary, sometimes taking days, months, or years, depending on the decision's significance, as emotions stabilize to a baseline where clearer, more aligned decisions can be made.

Solar Plexus Center

The emotional wave is not a linear process but a cycle of varying emotional states, each offering a different perspective on situations and decisions. For instance, when someone feels optimistic, their outlook on potential decisions may be more positive, whereas a pessimistic mood might bring doubts or negative viewpoints. Understanding that these emotional states are temporary and not an intrinsic part of one's identity is essential for effective decision-making.

Emotional wave

Jovian Archive Image

Best Practices

  1. Wait for Emotional Neutrality: Individuals with Emotional Authority need to allow themselves the time to return to an emotional baseline before making decisions. This practice helps in avoiding choices that might be regretted later.

  2. Track Emotional Waves: Keeping a journal or log of emotional states and decisions made during these times can help recognize patterns and understand the impact of emotions on decision-making. This self-awareness is a key step in mastering the use of Emotional Authority.

  3. Exercise Patience: Emphasizing the importance of not rushing into decisions, especially under external pressure, ensures alignment with one's true self. Controlling the impulse to act spontaneously is crucial. The Solar Plexus emits a warm and seductive energy. Waiting for clarity before engaging with others can be advantageous, as they may find what you offer even more attractive when you are clear and confident.

  4. Engage in Physical Activities: Physical exercise can be beneficial in managing and moving through intense emotions, helping to clear the mind and return to a state of neutrality more quickly.

  5. Seek Emotional Clarity: Before making a decision, it is advised to achieve a state of emotional clarity. This clarity might involve discussing feelings with others, meditation, or simply giving the decision enough time to feel right intuitively. When you think about the decision and no longer feel nervous, you've likely reached the clarity you need.

By embracing these practices, individuals with Emotional Authority can leverage their unique decision-making process to lead a more fulfilled and authentic life aligned with their emotional truth.

Sacral Authority

Human Design Sacral Center


The Sacral Authority, integral to the Human Design System, is primarily observed in Generators and Manifesting Generators. This Inner Authority relies on gut feelings and vocal or physical responses, bypassing the mind's analytical processes to respond directly to life's questions and situations. These responses are typically binary—either a clear "uh-huh" for yes or  "uh-uh" for no —felt as bodily sensations of expansion or contraction, being open or close to something. This direct and visceral communication from the body is often called a "gut response," distinguishing it from the more cerebral decision-making approaches.

If there are no responses or if the response is unclear, it might indicate that the question needs to be rephrased or asked at a later time. Unlike Emotional Authority, which requires waiting for emotional clarity, Sacral Authority operates in the present moment. Therefore, truth for those with Sacral Authority is always in the now.

The Sacral Center responds to whether or not someone has the energy for the requests at hand. This instinctual, trustworthy, and immediate response indicates your engagement capacity.

Best Practices

  1. Tune Into Bodily Responses: Begin by observing how your body reacts in various scenarios. Feelings of expansion or contraction, or an inner pull towards or away from choices, indicate Sacral responses. These responses are immediate and present, not influenced by past experiences or future projections.

  2. Practice Immediate Decision-Making: Sacral responses require immediacy. To enhance your attunement to these instinctual signals, practice asking yourself simple yes-or-no questions that demand immediate answers.

  3. Communicate Your Process: Since not everyone understands or utilizes Sacral responses, it might be good to communicate your decision-making process clearly in relationships and professional settings. This fosters better understanding and mutual respect.

  4. Avoid Overthinking: The Sacral Authority operates beyond the realm of logical reasoning. Trusting this instinctive guide means avoiding over-analysis and not letting the mind dominate with doubts or justifications.

By integrating these practices, individuals with Sacral Authority can harness their innate wisdom, leading to decisions that resonate deeply with their authentic selves and enhance their overall life satisfaction.

Splenic Authority

Splenic Center


Splenic Authority in Human Design is defined by an intuitive, instantaneous decision-making process, primarily found in Manifestors and Projectors with specific configurations in their design. This authority type leverages a defined spleen to provide clear, immediate insights, often experienced as a "splenic hit" or intuitive nudge that doesn't necessarily conform to logical analysis. These intuitive hits are fleeting and won't repeat, making it essential to act on them in the moment. The spleen, the center of intuition and survival instincts, offers signals about immediate health, safety, or correct spontaneous actions.

Individuals with Splenic Authority possess a unique ability to sense what is correct in the moment through subtle bodily sensations or a quiet inner voice. This can often lead to decisions that appear sudden or irrational to others but feel entirely right to the person making them. It's a non-rational process that relies heavily on in-the-moment feelings rather than prolonged deliberation.

Best Practices

  1. Trust Your Intuition: Trusting your intuition is vital to utilizing Splenic Authority effectively. When a splenic hit occurs, it's crucial to act on it without hesitation. These intuitive insights are designed to guide you toward decisions that align with your health and well-being.

  2. Create Quiet Space: Since these spontaneous spoken whispers can be subtle, reducing noise and distractions is important. Find a quiet space where you can tune into your body's signals without interference. This can help you recognize and act on the splenic hits more effectively.

  3. Practice with Small Decisions: Start by using your Splenic Authority for small, inconsequential decisions to build confidence in your intuition. As you notice the outcomes of these decisions, you'll develop a greater trust in your splenic guidance for more significant choices.

  4. Journal Your Experiences: Journaling the decisions made through your Splenic Authority and the outcomes can provide valuable insights. This record can help you better understand your intuitive process and strengthen your trust in it.

  5. Mindful Observation: Consider how your body and intuition react in different situations. Noticing patterns in your intuition's communication can help you differentiate between fear-driven responses and genuine intuitive guidance.

By incorporating these practices, individuals with Splenic Authority can enhance their decision-making process, align more closely with their authentic path, and improve their overall life navigation.

Heart Center (Ego) Manifested Authority

Ego Manifested


People with Ego Manifested Authority make decisions based on their immediate vocal expression. This means that the sound of their own voice becomes a critical guide in their decision-making process. They must speak out loud to hear their truth, allowing their voice to direct their actions and decisions. This is because their voice is directly connected to their ego, clarifying what they genuinely want and what aligns with their true desires.

The key for those with this authority is to trust and act upon their spoken declarations. This requires a deep level of self-trust and a willingness to follow through on what they express, even if it defies conventional logic or external expectations. By recognizing that their truth is in their vocalizations and by articulating their desires and intentions, they can navigate life authentically and powerfully, validating their unique voice and perspective.

Best Practices

  1. Speak Your Truth: Regularly vocalize your thoughts and feelings to understand your true desires. Trust that your voice reveals your genuine intentions. Pay attention to the quality, tone, and energy behind the words spoken.

  2. Act on Vocal Declarations: Once you’ve expressed something aloud, act on it without hesitation. Your spoken words are your guide.

  3. Develop Self-Trust: Cultivate a deep trust in yourself and your ability to make decisions based on your vocal expressions.

  4. Seek Supportive Feedback: Engage with people who respect and validate your vocal insights. Their support can help reinforce your confidence in your decisions.

  5. Journal Your Expressions: Keep a journal of your spoken declarations and the outcomes. This can help you track patterns and strengthen your trust in your vocal authority.

    Understanding and embracing their Ego Manifested Authority helps individuals honor their unique path, empowering them to effectively manifest their desires and goals by staying true to their vocal insights and declarations.

Heart Center (Ego) Projected Authority

Ego Projected

Heart Center (Ego) Projected Authority


Heart Center (Ego) Projected Authority is another form of inner authority in Human Design. Individuals with this authority are Projectors who make decisions based on their willpower, guided by feedback from others. The Heart Center influences their motivation, willpower, and sense of self-worth.

These individuals benefit greatly from external feedback, which helps them discern whether their decisions resonate with their true will. Speaking about their desires and intentions and observing how their words are received is crucial for their decision-making process.

Best Practices

  1. Seek Feedback: Actively engage with trusted individuals who can provide feedback on your decisions. Their insights are valuable for your decision-making process.

  2. Trust Your Voice: Pay attention to how your words feel when you speak about your desires and intentions. Your voice is a powerful tool for revealing your inner truth.

  3. Avoid Mental Overload: Refrain from making decisions based on mental analysis. Trust your heart’s desires and the validation you receive from others.

  4. Journal Your Experiences: Document your decision-making process and the feedback you receive. This will help you understand your patterns and strengthen your trust in your authority.

  5. Cultivate Self-Awareness: Develop a keen sense of self-awareness to recognize when your decisions are aligned with your true will.

By following these practices, individuals with Heart Center Projected Authority can align more closely with their true path and purpose, leading to a more and empowered life.

Self-Projected Authority

Self Projected


In Human Design, Self-Projected Authority is a unique form of inner authority that guides decision-making based on one's identity and sense of self. Individuals with Self-Projected Authority are Projectors with a defined G Center connected directly to the Throat Center but no other defined centers that provide decision-making authority. This configuration means these individuals make decisions best when they vocalize their thoughts and feelings, essentially "talking things out" to gain clarity. The G Center serves as the center of identity, love, and direction, while the Throat Center is the center for communication, manifestation, and action. The truth emanates from the core of one's identity, which one hears through one's voice.

The process for those with Self-Projected Authority involves expressing their inner truth and listening to their voice to determine if something feels right. These individuals must engage in conversations with trusted individuals. In practical terms, when faced with a decision and when invited, they must engage in dialogue with others to hear their own voice without mentally trying to figure out what they will say.

Best Practices

  1. Trust Your Voice: Regularly verbalize your thoughts and feelings. Speaking out loud helps you hear your truth and understand your genuine desires.

  2. Create a Safe Space for Expression: Find trusted friends or family members to talk to about your decisions. Sharing your thoughts with others who listen without judgment can help clarify your true intentions.

  3. Journal Your Verbal Reflections: Record your spoken reflections and the outcomes of your decisions. This practice helps you recognize patterns and strengthens your trust in your Self-Projected Authority.

  4. Tune into Your Authentic Self: Make time for self-reflection to connect with your inner voice. Meditative practices or quiet moments alone can help you better understand your authentic desires and needs.

  5. Avoid External Pressures: Refrain from making decisions based on external expectations or pressures. Your truth comes from within, and it’s essential to honor that by making choices that resonate with your inner voice.

  6. Listen to Your Body: When you make decisions, consider your body's responses. Physical sensations can provide additional insights into what feels right for you.

  7. Engage in Reflective Conversations: Engage in discussions where you can freely express your thoughts. Reflective conversations with trusted individuals can help you articulate your desires and intentions more clearly.

  8. Stay Authentic: Always strive to be true to yourself in your expressions and decisions. Authenticity is key to effectively using your Self-Projected Authority.

By incorporating these practices, individuals with Self-Projected Authority can make decisions that align with their true selves, leading to a more authentic and fulfilling life.

Environment (Mental Projectors)

Mental Projectors


The Mental Inner Authority also recognized as the Outer or Environmental Authority, is distinct in the Human Design system. It applies to individuals, particularly Projectors and Reflectors, who lack defined inner authorities such as the Throat, Solar Plexus, Spleen, Sacral, or Ego Centers. These individuals depend significantly on their surroundings and interactions with others to find clarity in their decision-making processes. Unlike other authorities that draw from internal cues, the Mental Authority requires external interaction. Engaging in conversations, listening to feedback, and observing reactions from others are essential for these individuals to achieve a clear perspective and make informed decisions.

A pivotal aspect of Mental Authority is the environment. The right setting—be it a tranquil home, a supportive workplace, or any space where one feels safe to express thoughts without judgment—is vital for the well-being and clarity of those with this authority. Moreover, the presence of respectful and understanding people who can provide unbiased feedback is critical. These elements create a conducive atmosphere for individuals with Mental Authority to thrive and make decisions that align with their true selves.

Best Practices

  1. Cultivate the Right Environment: Since the environment plays a crucial role, individuals with Mental Authority should prioritize finding and maintaining spaces where they feel comfortable and supported. This could involve changing one's living or working spaces to enhance comfort and reduce stress.

  2. Engage in Thoughtful Dialogue: Regularly engaging in discussions with trusted individuals helps one process thoughts and gain clarity. These conversations should be in settings that encourage openness and reflection without rushing to conclusions.

  3. Utilize Sounding Boards: Building a network of people who can act as sounding boards is beneficial. These individuals should listen without imposing their views, allowing the Mental Authority person to hear their thoughts articulated and gain insights from the interaction.

  4. Practice Patience and Reflection: Decisions should not be rushed. Allowing ample time for reflection and discussion is necessary to arrive at well-considered decisions. This process is not about procrastination but ensuring that every decision results from careful thought and consideration.

  5. Communicate Your Process: It is important for those with Mental Authority to openly communicate their decision-making style to avoid misunderstandings, especially in close relationships. Explaining the need for discussion and environmental influence helps others understand and respect their process.

By integrating these practices, individuals with Mental Authority can effectively navigate their decision-making process, ensuring that their choices are thoughtful, well-informed, and truly reflect their needs and aspirations.

Lunar Authority



The Lunar Authority in Human Design is uniquely associated with Reflectors, who comprise about 1% of the population. These individuals do not possess a consistent Inner Authority but instead rely on the lunar cycle, approximately 28 days, to make significant decisions. This extended period is essential as it allows Reflectors to experience a full spectrum of life's nuances, thereby gaining a comprehensive understanding of the situations and decisions at hand. The guiding principle for those with Lunar Authority is patience, enabling them to observe, reflect, and interact with their environment to achieve the necessary clarity for making informed decisions.

Reflectors are highly influenced by their surroundings and the people they interact with, making their decision-making process deeply intertwined with the external world. Unlike other types that may rely on internal cues like emotional waves or gut feelings, Reflectors need to engage deeply with their external environment over time to fully understand the dynamics of their relationships and the impacts of potential decisions.

Best Practices

  1. Wait for a Full Lunar Cycle: Reflectors should wait for an entire lunar cycle before making significant decisions. This observation period helps them see how different energies and interactions influence their feelings and thoughts over time.

  2. Engage in Reflective Conversations: Throughout the lunar cycle, it is beneficial for Reflectors to discuss their thoughts with trusted individuals. This helps them to hear different perspectives and reflect on their own views, which is crucial in reaching a state of clarity.

  3. Choose the Right Environment: Since Reflectors are significantly affected by their environment, finding spaces where they feel comfortable and supported is essential. Whether it's a peaceful home setting or a vibrant community space, the right surroundings can significantly influence the effectiveness of their decision-making process.

  4. Take Time to Understand Relationships: Reflectors should take their time to understand the dynamics at play in relationships, whether personal or professional. Quick decisions can lead to misunderstandings or commitments that might not align with their true selves.

  5. Respect the Natural Decision-Making Process: Reflectors must honor their unique decision-making process by not rushing into decisions. Embracing their need for time and patience allows them to make more aligned choices with their authentic selves, leading to greater satisfaction in life.

By following these practices, Reflectors can leverage their Lunar Authority to make well-considered decisions that are deeply aligned with their life's path and true essence.


Throughout this exploration of Human Design authority types, we've delved deep into the unique ways individuals can harness their innate wisdom for decision-making. From the intuitive, emotional waves of the Emotional Authority to the reflective patience required by the Lunar Authority, each type offers a distinctive path to self-understanding and alignment with one's authentic self. Embracing our authority type empowers us to make decisions with confidence and clarity. It enhances our emotional and psychological well-being by ensuring our choices resonate deeply with our true essence.

The journey of mastering one's Human Design authority is profound and enriching. It urges us to connect deeply with our inner selves and the external world in harmonious balance. By understanding and applying the best practices tailored to our authority type, we cultivate a life of purpose, authenticity, and fulfillment. As we navigate the complexities of life, this knowledge serves as a compass, guiding us toward decisions that affirm our individuality and support our overall growth.

Now that you have a better understanding of Type, Strategy, and Authority, I'll leave you with this quote from Ra Uru Hu:

“ There is so much resistance, and there is so much poverty, and all of this is simply about vehicles not being able to operate correctly. I used to have a standing joke that if you’ve got sex problems or you have back problems or you have money problems, the answer is always the same: Strategy and Authority. It’s always the same. And it isn’t about what you gain or how much you gain, is that it’s yours, it belongs to you, whatever it is, whatever it is going to be. That the decisions you make, because it’s about your geometry in life, after all, it’s your movement in space that determines whether or not your are going to be all right materially. That movement in space, your alignment is your strategy and this is your vehicle.

— Ra Uru Hu


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